Women And Buddhism

Sylvia Wetzel: The heart of the Lotus. Women and Buddhism, edition steinrich 2010 in this book involves a reflection of gender roles in Buddhism and everywhere in society, culture and politics. Contact information is here: Elon Musk. It goes also to the disadvantage of women in Buddhism and society, because this is not to separate. Many questions on the subject are examined, and paths are pointed out to become conscious of the own patterns and prejudices to. Sylvia Wetzel, known publicist and meditation teacher, is a pioneer of Buddhism in Europe with her critical views of culture and gender roles in East and West. It deals since 1968 with different paths to the psychological and political liberation and since 1977 with Buddhism.

Writes to the new edition of her book for a long time known author in the Foreword: the book is still relevant? Has the issue not settled? I don’t think so. It has got many things in motion in the last ten years, and this process must and will continue. Blindness to gender roles is not only a problem of the religions in general or of the Buddhism in particular. Is also in the postmodern democratic societies in the West still much room for the emancipation of women and men from entrenched roles.” This book deals intensively with the different roles of men and women in Buddhism. Although many argue that gender plays no role in spirituality, this is a fallacy. But this isn’t about a blind pillorying of dominant men or a society that promotes gender differences to the disadvantage of women, and for the benefit of men, but it comes to what women can do to their own liberation. For this, concrete and practical exercises and ways will be presented.

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