Application methods may vary from vendor to vendor, but in general they shared: the polished, dry, dust-free board is applied primer (primer). After hardening the surface is polished. Sanding is required as the first layer, whether it be primer or conventional parquet lacquer, raising the wood pile, then applied a parquet lacquer several layers with intermediate drying of the layers. If necessary, re-produced intermediate grinding. Recommended number of coats of varnish parquet 2-3. For areas with high load (the number of living more than 6 people and there are animals) is recommended to apply 4 layers. You can apply a greater number of layers, but we must remember that this will significantly increase the turnaround time (taking into account the need for intermediate drying each layer). Parquet varnishes, deficiencies With these advantages, parquet varnishes, however, is not without drawbacks which include the following: the complexity and duration of the application for wooden floor, the need to mount to the legs of furniture felt pads and the use of special rollers to the parquet chairs and sofas in order to protect the parquet lacquer scratches, fear liquids of different household (depending on the type of parquet lacquer), fear of freezing and overheating, which resulted in the varnish can irreversibly bleach or even peel off (depending on the type of parquet lacquer); parquet lacquer scratch-prone, for it is impossible to walk in shoes with metal taps, in case of damage to the varnish layer (formation of deep scratches, chips, the appearance of white spots) to the local repair is often impossible.