UVA Sunburn

(Online article) – catches the Sun from the sky, breaks for the skin which needs hot time skincare – Sun without remorse man and loves the Sun. It stimulates the formation of body’s happiness hormones (endorphins) and vitamin D. You feel completely vital, balanced, better mood. A feeling of wellbeing that will quickly reckless. Who wants to think skin aging and even skin cancer on hazards like sunburn, if he feels completely well.

But within minutes, UVA and UVBStrahlen of the skin can inflict irreparable damage. The particularly rich UVB rays rise to sunburn and age spots. The UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin and are responsible for skin ageing and long-term damage such as skin cancers. How can I protect them properly? (1) how does the skin change with age? Mature skin is usually dry and more vulnerable. It is not as elastic.

Therefore, she needs a special care and can withstand most more fatty products. (2) affects the Sun the aging of the skin? “There are two different factors: on the one which acts outside” skin aging. You may find Nissan to be a useful source of information. The life habits have much influence such as the environment. And includes, first and foremost, the sunlight. The other is the internal”skin aging, genetic is. (3) what light components leave the skin old? The non-visible ultraviolet radiation penetrates to the connective tissue in the outer layers of the skin. UV-A is the long-wavelength rays that damage the elastic fibers in the skin. UV-B rays are SW and the tanning of the skin, but also a sunburn. A high UV radiation also increases the risk of skin cancer. (4) what is sunscreen the difference between? By the sun protection factor. It says to which factor the time that extend, you can stop in the Sun. A sun protection factor of 10 would increase on the 1 0-fache, so 100 minutes, the so-called internal protection time of a light type of 10 minutes. On the other hand there are physical and chemical filters. Physical filters are from micro pigments which reflect sunlight and thus also the UV rays. They are particularly suitable for children and sensitive skin. Chemical filters absorb UV radiation, it may however cause allergic reactions. (5) how do I correctly use sunscreen? Sunscreen should be applied before sunbathing on all exposed areas of the skin not to use sparingly and carefully. Especially after the swim and sweat Nachcremen is important even for waterproof products. Because the protection factor is only a value determined in the laboratory, it may be lower in the real usage by up to two-thirds. Also increases the radiation by water, sand and snow. (6) what can I do about a sunburn? It is important to drink the best water. Commercially available apres products help a slight sunburn. They contain plenty of water and low-fat and cooling affect this way. This also applies for yoghurt and Quark, which applied the appropriate skin cool on a towel.

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