Amongst the visual arts that had been part of the movement, another one receives a great prominence; the video. This age eminently an art of the body. In it, the body was used as central instrument. This gave place what we will see in the decade of 90. We attend in the decade of 90 centralization of the alive body of the artist. Now, in them we come across with the call technological body. The body dislocated if for the staged installations, the productions and the retouchings.
One is about the reconstruction phase of the appearance, through a culture that stimulates the change of standards. What we see, in the reality, is that practical artistic and the speeches on art if had come back again toward the body. Differently of the decades of 50 and 70, ' ' the projects now would go to explore its new ways of being in the urban environment increasingly tecnologizado where live? (SANTAELLA, 2003, p.268). Years 90 bring in them what he would be new in the arts of the body. We have, in this decade, a substitution of the term body art for the expression? practical guided for corpo' ' (JONES apud SANTAELLA 2003, P. 268). The technology dominates this decade, thus raising, videos that brought as many abstracted bodies how much you register. The technology was tambmo that more it characterized the workmanships directed toward the body.
In accordance with Jones ( 2003): Most of the artists who were known, in years 90, made use of multimedia technology, photographic and installations, tending to explore the body and the subjectivity as tecnologizados, inaturais and specifically basically infixveis in its identity or meant subjective objective in the world. (JONES apud SANTAELLA, 2003, p.270). All these characteristics send in them to the body that now is called after human being. But, what this means? 2? The body of the one after Same human being who our look and our study are come back toward the body in the aesthetic context, is important to observe the transformations for which the body has past, characterizing the denomination of ' ' after humano' '.