United States

Ahead of this new social reality, the economy also completely was reorganized, of the planning to the production, has seen that it had a continuous and uninterrupted cycle of estandardizados methods to the same make products of level, that were vendidos in great standardized store, whose prices also estandardizados. While in the Europe and the United States, under gide the capitalism, the conformation of the society if came back toward the production, with bases strong politics that had allowed to the advance in the markets for the sales of its goods and products and with an organized unionism that well-being of the workers defended, in the defense of the theory of more the value of Karl Marx, in Brazil, the economy was eminently agriculturist, the few traders of dry and wet of the urban centers they were of Portuguese origin, with a population just exit of the slavery, where women and slaves were kept out of society and the elites were formed by the aristocracias remainders of the Empire and by you of device (that she originated the coronelismo).

The presence of the State was pfia when comparative to the United States and the Europe, in view of that the Administration of the state device if moved in the direction to take care of to the yearnings of the ruling class, of form if to perpetuate in the power. While Brazil received as man power for the farmings, in special, for the cafeicultura, the European immigrants who if took refuge of the wars in perspective of a better life, the United States produced on a large scale, as much for the market of how much external internal consumption. Roosevelt fought the infantile work, invested in the infrastructure of the cities and the social democracy was led for the interior of the companies. In the Europe, the successive wars and finally the wars of masses obeyed a logic where the useless expenses provoked positive impacts in all the economy directed toward the belligerence..

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