diewiledeehederwerbung guerrilla action for Henkel with unconventional guerilla a measure for the cooling lubricant Multan developed the Henkel group enters an atypical for him so far terrain in product communication. The focus of which is the international campaign, which was designed by the Dusseldorf agency diewildeehederwerbung, bacteria must stay outside the guerrilla action”. Thus, the USP of the bio-stable cooling lubricant Multan was translated in the form of eye-catching, approximately fist pink bacteria from rubber. These bacteria were applied for the first time on Thursday, September 30, on the outside of the glass doors and-fronten of the Stuttgart trade fair halls during the international industry fair AMB. “A mini flyer, which is fastened to each rubber bacterium with the funny eyes, says: I have to stay outside” and refers to the specially developed promotional Web site. The communication target group – about 75,000 trade visitors from the metal-working industry – was the technical Made visible added value of a product with surprise and sympathy in a matter of seconds. At the same time, they had the opportunity to get a funny giveaway with the character of a cult object. With this measure, our agency has found a wonderful solution for the discrepancy between the technically complex statements about our innovative product and the unusual communication channel”Reaffirms Ulrike Mussigbrodt, marketing communication manager EMEA decision. The extensive communication activity that is planned with further international guerrilla actions and through viral spots on youtube is being continued by the Dusseldorf Agency developed diewildeehederwerbung.