On June 28, 2013 the lecture series will take place again LOBBY TALK in Frankfurt as well. The Internet and particularly social media have changed the communication between service providers and customers in the tourism industry. Boyden oftentimes addresses this issue. It was extra launched this format in the life where experts show experiences and examples, how to use these changes in the travel industry for themselves. As with its predecessors, social media specialists also end of June will report back a bit from your everyday life, hotels, tour operators and destination marketing. The speakers Alexander Birk from Best Western Germany, Nicole Agsten Sheraton Frankfurt airport hotel, Andreas Ehret of Aldiana, Eva-Maria Muller of TourComm Germany and Tobias Gorgen by Toocan share this tips and tricks in dealing with social media. We have decided, as it offers the guests a casual and lounge-like atmosphere, us as a location for the centrally located Mantis roof garden during and also after the lectures in food and beverages in the conversation come”, so Tobias Gorgen, CEO of the social media monitoring specialists Toocan GmbH and initiator of the LOBBY TALKs. With a low fee of only 79 including VAT as well as food and beverages, we want to make affordable the seminar for everyone despite limited places”, adds Garcia. Furthermore held TALK the LOBBY always on a Friday, so that it seamlessly event over the weekend..