In 1991, the 'Eagle' has found one of the most powerful pistol ammunition in the world – .50 AE (12.7mm), and in 1998 the U.S. firm Cor-Bon (Cor-Bon) established on the basis of this cartridge ammunition .440 Cor-Bon, representing a sleeve chuck .50 AE dulcitol, pereobzhatym a bullet .44 caliber (bullet diameter 10.9mm). It should be noted that the cartridge is the .50 AE cartridge rim, equal to diameter of the sleeve holder chimes .44 magnum, which has made possible a fairly simple change in caliber pistol by replacing the barrel, bolt and shop for new ammunition. In order to sustain such a 'monstrous' ammunition, the energy is rather comparable to the automaton, rather than pistol rounds, automatic 'Eagle' was supposed to be of a design different from the traditional pistol. Jeremy Tucker takes a slightly different approach. The authors decided to go for a gun-trodden path, and was traditional for the most sovremnnyh automatic assault rifles and a scheme with venting mechanism.
In this arrangement, part of the propellant gases after the shot is given to the gas chamber under the barrel, where they work on the gas piston, pushing it back. The piston is connected to the bolt carrier that unlocks a backward slide and rolls it back, throwing a shooting sleeve on his way back into the trunk dosylaya new cartridge. Locking carried out on three lugs turning the bolt, so that anyone with an idea of how the automatic Kalashnikov, easily sort out and with the principles of mechanics 'Eagle'. It is due to gas operated gun barrel has a mechanism which is so characteristic trapezoidal shape when viewed from the front.