This is another important achievement I’ve had, much by what has been learned in this masters, where I was convinced that it is possible to live in fullness and joyful living mainly with my wife and my children and of course the rest of the people with whom we interact on a daily basis, it is matter of assume an attitude of greater spiritual levelIt is contagious and spreads exponentially, this has been my experience over the past years and thus will continue for the rest of my life. Therefore, I can proudly say that I have a family where we live in great harmony, where you can breathe the respect and love, in my house we live five people, my wife, my three children and I, however, arrive daily to my house a lot of friends and family so much of the time we have to visit and something that caught my attention are the comments of those who are in my homefeel peace of mind, you can breathe feel the peace, love and understanding, they say that it is reason enough to want to come even for a while. This sorry also as a very significant achievement of the teachings that I have received, starting in the first masters but confirming and expanding on the latter, which has given me the most important part, spirituality. Once more, I put revealed the important impact of these studies both in my person as in the living environment that surrounds me and my family. A there is much to learn and much to practice but the path by which we will walk, no doubt, is correct. Another aspect that I caught my attention on the contents of the master’s program is that not only has focused on the strictly educational, but it goes beyond, it goes to the political, business, nature, science, initiatory traditions and offers alternatives to achieve personal development integrated with the practice of Vipassana meditation and social practices aimed to see a society more equitable.
The Feel
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