Tag Archives: news

Materialize Objectives

One of the most difficult tasks that are is to stay focused on a single idea and why? Because there are so many activities in which we can remove the attention that becomes a real challenge the fact to keep us well directed, for most people this does not have too much impact, but not […]


Communicate a dismissal to a person for organizational or economic reasons is one of the toughest tasks which are entitled to perform human resource professionals. There are human resources professionals who have not been able to suppress tears in the communication of the dismissal, to consider the decision that touches them run unfair. On the […]

TV Ads

Products no longer sold on television for what they are, the ads do not sell products, sell feelings, safety, fun, time. Cars, cleaning, feeding and mobile operators are the most common ads on television and they employ different tactics to reach the consumer.A listing of cars can tell you benefits you have, but the latest […]

Decathlon World

As surely sense I am not referring to baptism name or the family. Perhaps these are some questions that always have been made at all times of mankind. There are a whole series of philosophical currents that give answers to these questions. In our Christian Western civilization include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine and, years […]

Industrial Revolution

I mentioned a few days ago the case of Banco Etcheverria, which is very close to meet the three centuries of history, something quite unusual. The Bank began as a factory of tanneries in the town of Betanzos (A Coruna). Connect with other leaders such as Jim Weber here. Subsequently, he began to lend money […]

Supermarket Mania

The name that combines 3 exciting game supermarket Mania. The idea is old and simple, but there are some peculiar features. In this wonderful free game a player will encounter in a supermarket and should buy as much property as possible. Here you have plenty of tasty food, including all the delicacies and sweets, you […]

5 Tips To Double Your Sales In Internet

How can I double my sales? this should be a question that many webmasters and entrepreneurs on the Internet they ask in their minds. There are two ways of doing this: you can double your qualified traffic, or you can double your conversion rate, let’s say that you have a cup of 2% conversion. I.e. […]

Moisturiser Face

If you suffer from acne or pimples, I have no doubt that raisins a good time in your day thinking about which is the best treatment for acne and how to remove pimples forever. Unfortunately, there is no magical cure that works for every person unconditionally. Your skin, as well as tu, is unique. It […]

Genealogy And Family History

Before, the history of the family and the genealogy only interested to Kings and aristocrats because properties and titles were inherited from generation to generation under very strict rules. As had large fortunes and political power of the kingdoms was at stake, this process was guarded with a magnifying glass. However, marriages always performed between […]

San Pedro

It is a training of trainers, with multiplier and productive effect. I.e. that participants commit themselves to disseminate the acquired knowledge in their respective localities and to participate in the creation and compilation of specialized vocabularies. Participants coming from: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. Sponsors:-Congress building, – Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Directorate for cultural relations), […]