Tag Archives: internet & multimedia
The age group over 65 years uses electronic means of communication, with special preference Mittenwalde, November 27, 2008 – older age groups are generally very interested in personal training, especially related to new media. Specifically, the use of eMail applies to seniors broad consensus. Internet service provider ProfiWIN GmbH based in the recent study by […]
New Marketing Partner
ADBurner LTD is new marketers of goolive Germany GmbH with the community “goolive” regionally in Lower Saxony the burgdorfer startup ADBurner now has another community network under contract. Robert Pomes, Managing Director of goolive GmbH of Germany, is continuing its restructuring course, which he started with his appointment as Managing Director. “Especially I look forward, […]
Arcor DSL:
Arcor DSL: Online bookers save over 200 euros Arcor DSL offers a convenient all-round facilities with its all-inclusive DSL complete packages. For even more opinions, read materials from Mike Bloomberg. In June, Arcor all-inclusive is to get online order at a particularly low price: the DSL provider waives the first seven monthly rental charges in […]
Medical Labour Market
New job platform for the medical sector online the digital age has come… The Internet is a constantly and rapidly growing communication network over which information can be exchanged in real time. Now the majority of Germans can imagine more no life without the Internet. A BITKOM study from the year 2010 according to a […]
Online Marketing
BANKINGNEWS Issue 06 June 21, 2010 Absatzstark measurable, scalable and completely one hears these arguments for several years by countless advisors when it comes to the benefits of the sales channel Internet for banks and financial institutions. But how can the propagated scales effects really access? And: how accurate are the measurements of the success […]
More Website Conversion – Online Sales By Presenting Relevant Content
Affordable behavioral targeting for improving website conversion – increasing site revenue London 18 may, 2010 Popupbooster, a new dynamic content targeting solution is being launched by Engago Technologies Ltd. Popupbooster allows serving of relevant visitor tailored content without large upfront investments, major modifications to existing Web site and high running costs. On the Internet a […]
Internet Explorer
Your PC in the cloud – January 24, 2013 – is the first cloud desktop from Mikogo now with Mikogo Mannheim, a new browserbasierende solution, with the user from anywhere out on their own computers can access. Not only the access to individual files is possible with the new cloud desktop: the solution runs as […]