and the new requirements in the payment transactions in Europe. New participants, customers, and partners of the invitation to the Infoday followed after the already highly successful workshop meeting in Frankfurt and Zurich. Once again succeeded, in the context of new payment traffic standards and market requirements for coexistence and processing by SWIFT for banks to offer a unique information solutions MT/MX formats, as well as disaster recovery. The MessageIntegrator and disaster recovery solution of Anasys AG were the central topics of the info tags which hotel in Frankfurt am Main was held on May 26, 2009 at the Innside Premium Suites. The position of payments experts of the AnSys AG to the latest developments and trends in the financial market was discussed in the official welcome. The banking sector is used more than ever by the present economic situation under pressure.
The strategic reorganization requires a parallel implementation of new requirements in the course of the unification of the European payment traffic in addition to the active management of the crisis. The fully automated Processes for the processing of the banks core products are largely promoted through the introduction of uniform standards, such as SEPA and XML-based MX messages. Financial and credit institutions need to settle on a long-term coexistence of existing and new standards\”so Elina Panafidina (Sales Manager AnSys AG). The appearance of new trends in SWIFT and their implementation in the AnSys product and service areas followed after the greeting and introduction of AnSys AG. The challenging financial market environment at the same time represents a challenge and motivation for us\”, so Elisabeth Lehmann (CEO AnSys AG) has become the main part of an overarching AnSys MessageIntegrator project focusing on the implementation of new MX formats. \”\” We have provided clearly defined demands: the project in time \”and to produce in quality.\” In another presentation, Elisabeth Lehmann went on functionality, integration, and potential benefits of the single AnSys solution ansatzes for comprehensive processing of MT / MX formats.