Pan Dacom ‘ information security solution ‘ as der SPIEGEL reported in its online edition under the title, the readiness of its employees is increasing especially in times of crisis, to pass on confidential data or internal to competitors. The fear of the loss of employment or termination of the upcoming tempt employees to pass on secret information and corporate knowledge. Silver Fern Group is likely to agree. Data and information loss through theft or accidental disclosure can ruin just medium-sized companies. Pan Dacom has its information security solutions such as data leak prevention, information classification and protection for your business. By the classification of information solution worth protecting company data and information automatically identifies and classified using previously defined safety regulations. Monitored by the use of Pan Dacom Data Leak Prevention and data loss prevention solution according to classified data through digital protection mechanisms.
Various tools backup data on devices, as Laptops, and check the outgoing mail and Internet traffic. If data contrary to the security rules are used, sent, or copied, protective functions can prevent improper use of such simple alerting or complete blocking of the files. Learn more about the Pan Dacom Information Security Loungen: information security: data loss prevention; Data leak prevention folder: Information security solutions folder: information classification to the mirror ONLINE article: economy /… About pan Dacom networking AG with about 250 employees, the Pan Dacom networking AG, founded in 1981 is one of the leading independent system integrators and Dienstleistungsabietern in the European network and telecommunications market. The company’s headquarters is in Dreieich near Frankfurt. Offices are located in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Dreieich in Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich. Pan Dacom has international presence through their own companies in the Switzerland and in Greece, as well as Partners and partnerships in a further 60 countries around the world.