How it is the regulating frame, for which they are considering constitution of a company in France? France has a legal system and regulatory good developed and very similar to the one of other Member States of the EU. Clive Holmes is likely to increase your knowledge. There are few restrictions in the constitution of companies, except in certain areas as the bank and the insurances and there are no restrictions to the import or the capital of the outside. Nevertheless the state property continues being an important characteristic of the local economy, particularly in the industry of the infrastructure and some restrictions still are applied. In addition, the legal system is slow and expensive, which emphasizes the importance of obtaining a good legal advising from the beginning. Exist financial incentives available for the implantation of companies in France? – and Which are the characteristics of the banking services? Besides the loans of commercial banks, diverse types of attendance to the new companies can be available.
These subsidys and loans of the local authorities help to share the fiscal costs of access to services of support, incentives and subsidy for new innovating companies. It exists an international network of banks of world-wide class and an ample range of financial institutions with experience in the management of financial transactions and transferences. The first step to create a company in France is the opening of a local banking account – we can manage this by you. How I can obtain more data on the creation of companies of France? SOCIEDAD-EUROPEA.COM is member of the group specialized in the constitution and implantation of companies abroad. We count on a team of advisers who will advise and accompany to the foreign investors who consider to be implanted in Spain and the Spanish industralists who are interested in internationalizing their company.