Siberian Pineapple

However, it should become acquainted with the properties of this wonderful fruit and surprisingly quickly. In its composition and the therapeutic spectrum of action on the human body is much greater than this exotic fruit from overseas. No wonder, since the ancient times warriors used this berry for improving endurance in combat and rapid healing of wounds. And now, traditional medicine offers a variety of products based on sea buckthorn oil. The composition fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn include a variety of biologically active substances. This vitamin B complex, C (ascorbic acid), organic acids (palmitic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic), carotenes, tocopherols, tannins, essential oils and sugar. According to some researchers in the bark of sea buckthorn contains substances that are precursors to serotonin.

This hormone maintains the state of a person Satisfaction, calm and is a very important link in the process of homeostasis. Rather complex chemical composition of sea buckthorn fruit makes it possible to use this herb for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. The combination of vitamins and organic acids providing powerful antioxidant, antioxidant action. The use of drugs buckthorn helps neutralize free radicals. This allows us to speak of her as a strong natural adaptogen, capable to provide curative and preventive effect for cancer. Concentrated form for use of sea buckthorn is sea buckthorn oil. Its use is indicated in patients with diabetes, anemia, stomach ulcers and ulcer 12perstnoy, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

To properly prepare the necessary sea-buckthorn oil consistently produce a few simple steps. Initially, take ripe fruits of sea buckthorn juice and hand-wring and dry cake in Ovens at temperatures above 100 degrees, then it is ground. Then ready raw material is mixed with refined vegetable oil in equal volumes and subjected to extraction for 3-4sutok. The mixture was squeezed and added to the extract a new batch of cake. After three procedures sea buckthorn oil is ready for use. Ready-form preparations of sea buckthorn and sea buckthorn oil are sold in pharmacies. Fresh fruits of sea buckthorn can be stored in a freezer until February. Should apply them with great caution in giperatsidnyh gastritis and acute inflammatory diseases of the gastro – intestinal tract.

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