Postindustrial Society

The institutions and organizations that are shaping the ever-changing universe, should have the information necessary, appropriate and timely, and exchange of constantly raising the effectiveness of the system. DEVELOPMENT The information represents a decisive role in humanity, its development relies heavily on educational and cultural level there. Significant changes have been observed in the use of information, the need to combine properly the quantity and quality of information, the requirement of the effectiveness of services, multiple alternatives and viewpoints to structure the information, demand information and as varied criteria for interpreting meaning of information. He faces a new way of information, there a shift towards a global information economy and certain corporations, calling this phenomenon of information societies. Its origins are based on economic development and technological change. Postindustrial Society has placed in the first place the use of information which provides opportunities for education and exchange of knowledge and the huge and growing amount which can be accessed.

Today's world is characterized by the speed with which changes occur, society is constantly involved in processes where it is becoming increasingly necessary information. The first approaches were made from two perspectives, first on the information itself and the second covering the resources supporting information. Also vital is the relationship of information with organizational objectives, stating the recognition of information as a key and decisive point for the best performance any organization. As more information is being introduced into the productive process and is better structured, they are achieving better conditions for competition and are substituting other factors of production, taking the value the information you require.

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