Much Excitement To The New Opel Mocha

Autohaus Heidenreich at the IAA in Hanover while many Apple fans worldwide on September 21 were against the launch of the new Iphone5, started to grow excitement also at the international motor show in Hanover. Reason was less this a phone, rather the sneak preview of the new Opel has exclusively invited mocha, which the dealership some Heidenreich its customers in Witzenhausen. “Already on the bus trip to Hanover, the Managing Director Jorg Heidenreich voted a total of 33 participants on the outstanding event: while others may only see you belong to the proud Opel customers that Mocha already 2 weeks before the official start of sales have touched the new Opel”, Jorg Heidenreich made more curious and distributed not only the VIP tickets in the port, but provided also for the well-being of its customers together with its employees. As Avid Opel driver, I must say that the car dealership Heidenreich is a really with his friendly, helpful and knowledgeable staff excellent service”, Hubert Kijewski from Witzenhausen is pleased about the invitation of auto dealership. Arrived in Hanover, Heidenreich customers had the opportunity to look at rest at the IAA, before at 16.00 the highlight of the day waiting for her first: the premiere of the new Opel mocha. Snacks and beverages explained not only need to know details about the design of the of the Opel product marketing manager Albrecht Schafer, but presented also the various advantages of the car, such as E.g. the Ecoflex driving Assistant, the back-strengthening ergonomics seating and the very practical FlexFix bike carrier system innovations that have convinced the Group and above all, Hubert Kijewski: with this sweet small SUV, Opel has brought something really great on the market. He is somewhat less, but it is a great SUV of the quality produced in nothing after.

“The new Opel Mocha is not only a car’s terrain, but also for the city”, enthuses the 64 and retold: for me as villagers that is extremely convenient, especially if you have to drive up a mountain in winter.” “The employees of the dealership were impressed on the joint return: although it is not the first time that we invite you to the premiere of a new model, but it’s always nice that you can get to know the car in advance and maintain personal contact with the customers here”, so Nico Dietrich, who was allowed to invite even some of its clients to the event as a seller on the site Witzenhausen. Customer proximity is also matter to the dealership at his next event. “To the official launch of the new Opel, mocha and the Hyundai Santa Fe invites the dealership Heidenreich on the 6th and 7th October to the firsts fun” in the forest Guest House to the copper Creek “in the youth village of Meissner. Who knows, maybe I’m yes then carried me away to put on a pair of leather pants”Heidenreich joked as he adopted his satisfied guests after a busy day at the weekend.

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