In coherence with the subject, the goods that we gave we sell them and/or publicitamos by Internet. By obvious that it is considered, the market niche must terne access to this tool, so that we have contact with this target. Like example, if entrepreneur decides to sell embases for potable water storage of different volumes, would commit an error when investing in a publicity oriented to the country of Haiti, that doubting that this it would be a good element for the different needs that the majority of the population faces, also is not certain that is not had access to Internet nor to a capacity of purchase to it. Identified a niche and its needs he asegrese that this he has discharge demands. Prevenirte is opportune that you found niches and needs noncovered, nevertheless, these do not represent an attractive demand to decide to focus our resources towards that market. It does not discard its previous knowledge to investigate market niches, its experience would qualify to him to identify the needs of a niche.
It maintains a criterion ample to penetrate in new niches, from its selection to its operation, a criterion so, that it allows him to begin or to be developed in niches with little competition and discharge demands. It always considers that the human nature puts in front desires to the needs, is for that reason that winning products and profitable niches are those that satisfy those desires. For example: to lower of weight, to make money, to change the physical training conditions, to see themselves more attractive, etc.