The VALUATION OF COMPETITIVE the WELL MANAGED HUMAN CAPITAL AS DISTINGUISHING In the contemporaneidade, the enterprise competition, more becomes each time incited in function of a series of occured changes in the world the all instant, where the same ones demand of the companies and its managers, preparation and new vises of market. Leaders who, through the available information in the medias, such as: Internet, periodicals, magazines and etc., are capable to perceive and to reflect such changes more, stimulating each time the creativity, that is atrelada to the innovation? the main competitive differential of the organizations. Beyond what, we live in a capitalist society, where the competitiveness if overlaps to the relations human beings and this universe makes with that the individuals if shake psychologically, then, to analyze and to understand the human behavior, aiming at to reflect on the importance of the paper of the leader inside of an organization, are basic so that this reach its objectives. It can to say, in general scope, that the main objective is to know to give to it with the changes. The companies leave to have the traditional innovations, and leave for innovations through the creativity of the manager, the continuous improvement of the product, organizacionais service and processes that engloba also the perfectioning of the attendance to the customer, primordial for any company. Then, the profile of the leader in this time of fast changes is of an apprentice, somebody with the humildade, curiosity, that is capable to recognize its limitations and if not to intimidate ahead of the stranger. As example, we can cite some desirable behaviors of a good manager: To be constantly auto motivated and to motivate the people, to respect and to trust its team, to know to hear and to guide, to be flexible, to know to delegate to be able and many other qualities and behaviors that are also important for the good development of a company. .