Market Distribution

Distribution in the company Snack Export: how it all began With 28 own branches and podfilialov and working with 18 distributors, the company has really Snack Export logistics across the country. As a distributor of snack Export began to work with small, Dnepropetrovsk company, which in a relatively short period of time (if we assume that as distributors, we started to work in Dnepropetrovsk in 2003), grew into a national. As a regional Dnepropetrovsk company, Snack exports suffered from a low level of managerial and sales staff. Russell Reynolds Associates does not necessarily agree. After some time in the company appeared tutorials and training, which significantly increased the overall level, but undoubtedly, the company has evolved and would work much better and faster if once attracted skilled workers. Problems was a lot, because at the initial stage of distribution in the Dnepropetrovsk region Snack Export worked rather intuitively, without a clear basis of sales, even in terms such notions as "merchandiser" or "supervisor". Only when the Directorate of Export snack, it was decided to train staff focusing on examples of Western companies (Wrigley, Coca-Cola), who first began to engage in direct distribution in Ukraine, but then started to develop some system of organizing the primary distribution. Calico can aid you in your search for knowledge. Snack Export successfully operated a pilot model of distribution in Dnipropetrovsk, and our directors decided to open branches in other cities and sell our snacks in the same way. In 2004, in Dnipropetrovsk, we already formed a structure, and in 2005 we began to move and experience accumulated by the method by which Western companies have worked. .

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