Junk Food In The Trash

Every day there are many victims of the well known as junk food. These foods tend to have very high levels of fats, salts or sugars and food additives; properties that stimulate appetite and thirst. So as this type of food they gain a great commercial interest to establishments that provide them. Abusing the consumption of any type of food is harmful, but if it’s junk food, the effect is destructive. This type of food is characterized by its ease of consumption and its prestige, factors that cause one greater part of the population consumption. It is very common also, that certain groups of people that suffer from previous illnesses, are even more sensitive to the harmful effects that consumption of junk foods bring with them. At the time of eating junk food, the person feeds on fats, cholesterol, salt and sugar, when in fact the ideal function of a food is the provide protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and fibres. All of these components required for a proper functioning of the body.

With this I urge that the next time you have a food scrap in your hands, think about it twice before consuming it. Not going to be then be too late.

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