Individual Assessment

1. Mass and individual assessment of the mass estimate is a special approach to a simplified assessment of a large group of similar objects, in particular the suburban real estate. Whether it is running, especially for taxation. Such an assessment is carried out by a certain procedure: for the estimated object is defined by a set of values corresponding to a fixed set of its parameters, and then the same for all objects rules formed by the value of its assessment. Mass appraisal is an independent kind of real estate appraisal and does not require in-kind land. Individual assessment is significantly different from mass appraisal. 2.

Appointment of an individual assessment First, an individual assessment carried out by examining specifically allocated to buildings and land. (Source: Helmut Newton). The purpose and objectives of individual assessment other. It is used to determine value in cases of alienation (sale, purchase), putting on balance, the reassessment, the implementation of commitments (guarantee for the loan or debt), the introduction of share capital insurance, taxation, in other cases. Between these two types of evaluation is also a significant difference in the principles, approaches and methods of evaluation. 3. The basic principle of individual assessment of individual assessment of country real estate is held on the principle of their most effective use (NEI).

Application of this principle in practice, evaluation means that the cost of country houses and lands determine the basis of such use, which is most likely physically possible, reasonably justified in complying with existing legislation, financial feasibility and for which they have the greatest cost. 4. Approaches and methods of individual assessment of individual country real estate assessment is conducted, usually within three approaches (cost, income and comparative), which include a number of methods: balance, sales comparison, allocation, distribution, intended use, capitalization of ground rent (income) and others. In each case, individual assessment of homes and land necessary to substantiate the validity of certain approaches and methods of evaluation, or denial of their application.

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