As home of the 4 steps on how to obtain a Web positioning in our product or service on the Google search engine. We must look for the key words (keywords) with more searches by Google users directly related to your product or service. For the monthly frequency that our keyword has been searched, we use Google’s free service; Keywords Tool (enter these words in the search for sale) takes you directly to this tool, select country and language and spitting valuable information from the global search, local search, level of competition, etc. For example, if your business is about marketing in Tijuana, it is important that the words are related to your business and above all are the words that more searches on Google have at the local level as an example look for Tijuana marketing or advertising Tijuana; If you enter the name of your business and it is not known in the Community (marketing John), the more secure than your search do not throw any results. As find keywords and average amount of monthly search have?, this part if not these familiar may seem totally foreign to your understanding, but once you familiarizas, becomes quite simple and friendly to the user. Google offers this free service, must take advantage of it.
You can put in the keywords Finder tool or directly in your browser. You enter the keywords related to your product or service, select country and language. And press search (SEARCH). THE search engine sheds not only your keyword with quantities of average searches monthly Global and Local, if not also receive related keywords that generate you ideas about more words to include to improve your positioning. TIP, if your business is local to recommend enter the keyword + the name of the city (advertising Tijuana), in this way only receive information from local search you are interested and not from other cities and countries which do not apply to your product or service. In this way you become a real idea of the searches average monthly that exist in your city from people on the Internet looking specifically for your product. The best thing is that people looking for your keywords are people who are considered direct market goal, few sales techniques offer this possibility, and the best thing is free.