German Institute

After more than three years, you can clearly see that Apple’s app store is a success story. After more than three years, you can clearly see that Apple’s app store is a success story. Apple currently provides the largest number of applications for mobile devices through its app store. According to the latest figures, around 775 new apps are offered per day alone. No wonder, because the mobile app usage is booming. The average Smartphone user spends every day about an hour on the mobile Web.

About two-thirds of which was accounted for by the use of mobile Web applications. With his new iPhone app marketing DIM “Deutsches Institut fur marketing (DIM) confronts this need for mobile communication now.” With the mobile application DIM offers its customers and all those interested in marketing focused, in-depth marketing knowledge for on the go. One of the most important features is the extensive marketing glossary. App users can find all relevant concepts of marketing clearly explained and arranged alphabetically. The steady and regular updating ensures that there is always a definition for current technical terms from the marketing.

The news feature keeps up to date with current news and events from all areas of marketing, users. In these draws on the contents of the successful and well-known Roycod of the Institute. The educational portfolio of the German Institute for marketing finds himself in the seminar overview. Here detailed information to the respective seminars found ranging from the thematic content of the seminars to the dates of each event. Through the integration of the iPhone calendar, interesting training can simply make a note of. The marketing app is available free of charge at or directly from the iTunes app store (search term: “Marketing”) to download.

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