The new technologies abren passage to a global society, a society in which the people or groups of them can interact in real time although they are dispersed geographically. However, contradictory results in the organizations as a result of the introduction of the new technologies have been demonstrated, therefore it reveals the study of the Foundation Access: Although seems contradictory, because always the Internet is related to the sprouting of the society of the knowledge, several aspects demonstrate the danger that incorporation of the Internet to the organization rather limits the process of generation of new knowledge Camacho, (2003). Therefore, one is due to understand that this one is a detonating factor for the information transmission and for the agility of the communication and like so, facilitates and supports the management of the knowledge, but is not neither unique nor the most important requirement so that this one is generated. Another important aspect in the sprouting of new the paradigm is the Introduction of a new factor of production: In the last years the knowledge has become a strategic resource for any type of organization, deprived, state or nongovernmental, it has happened to be intangible an able one to generate value. The society is developing more and more, activities that require a high degree of knowledge. In the businesses, the knowledge management creates value and differentiates products and services with respect to those from the competition. From the economic point of view, a resource is added more to already defined through the economic theory like Earth, Work and Capital, these happen to constitute themselves, for some organizations, in secondary factors of production or happen to be replaced by the knowledge. In the macroeconomic scope, a participation major of the intangible capital in Producto Interno has been perceived Bruto (PIB) of the nations, due to the increase of the developing investment of knowledge, that is to say in activities of qualification and investigation and human capital. .