European Commission

These favour the safety of Stevia with a proportion of at least 95 percent of Steviol glycosides concentrates – green powder and Dulce liquids reach only a fraction. Thus they may be not be marked also then as food, when the European Commission will adopt the recommendation of the EFSA. In contrast to the Green powder, white powder is obtained by extraction of the sweetening components of the Steviablatter. It is possible that a proportion of Steviol glycosides is reached, corresponding to the EFSA’s analysis. Nevertheless, this does not mean that all stevia white powder-based, are consumer-friendly. A look at the composition of the extract is needed to make sure whether it is tasty products. The most important sweetening components of the extract from stevia plant are called “Stevioside” and “REB-A”. You are the most Steviol glycosides.

Only then, if her purity as a numerical value is listed, is to assess whether it is an extract, can actually apply it in practice. Stevioside until then not more bitter tastes, if it has a purity of over 90 percent, the more sweetening Rebaudioside A should be at least 60 percent purity for mixed products and 80 percent in unmixed form. A bitter taste of the minor occurs only if it is overdosed. Those overdose can occur rapidly as stevioside and Rebaudioside A, can generate a sweetening effect that exceeds that of the sugar part to the 300 – or even 400fache. In practice, stevia powder is often stretched with means of delivery – either by the consumers themselves, or by the manufacturer. This is done either through the processing of powder in a liquid form, or via diffusion but with a carrier powder. White powder, being drawn in a liquid form, must not confuse the “Dulce” fluids be: because it’s not processed leaf flour, but a further processing of the extracted glycosides, not the disturbing herbaceous taste on – assuming at this point, the degree of purity of the glycosides is high enough.

In powder form, stevia is traded mostly in a mixed form with the sugar alcohol, erythritol. This is E968 as a food additive in the European Union under a labelling requirement for a potential laxative effect already approved and deemed safe for the human organism. Compared with stevia, it is cheap to get, in practice, the price advantage of Stevia-erythritol mixtures containing stevia often only to 2 to 3 percent, is rarely passed to the consumer. Instead, these products are often marked under the simple title “Stevia powder”, the high Erythritolanteil is mentioned only on the edge. Also, stevia, which are offered as “Stevia powder” are mixtures of Stevia and high-calorie Extenders exist. In the most common case is themselves to dextrose (grape sugar) – also that is mentioned often only on the edge. Such products are not suited to Abnehmwillige, and certainly not for diabetics who hope for a sugar-free natural sweetener. This means the end result above all: a satisfied consumer of Steviaprodukten to become the top foreign exchange must be always a detailed study of the exact ingredients. Jurgen Mahler Leipzig, 04.05.2010 Daforto GbR Hohmann 7 04129 Leipzig E-Mail: 0341-331-02-05

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