mundoFranquicia Consulting, a company specialized in doing consultancy of the highest quality for all organizations that see a suitable formula for growth, and business in the franchise and Toulousse ESEC Business School, business school with over 100 years of history, organized in Barcelona next October 6 days of franchises on purchasing processesopening and exploitation of this form of business association, as well as some practical success stories. The first part, which will have a duration of 1 hour will consist of an introduction by a presentation from representatives of each of the flags that are part of the day and a mundoFranquicia consultant. The object of this block is none other than the instructing attendees in the processes of purchase, opening and operation of a franchise and guide their steps with practical advice and recommendations. The second part will take place with individual and custom work tables for each Ensign. Each franchise will have a work table properly personalized with your name, which may attend individual and personal way to all those entrepreneurs who wish to broaden their information in relation to the present franchise proposals. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Pinterest. The proctological Center European, Felix Ramiro, photo Ikatz, group Carlunas, Now You, Wall Street Institute and Wogaboo may expose their success stories in the franchise before the audience and through these tables franchisors may collect nominations of potential franchisees and make delivery of additional information they deem timely. Similarly, at this stage attendees wishing to do so may request access to a table of consultancy, staffed by a consultant for our signature, which may direct any of the participants in the process of purchase of the franchise from its interest. With over 100 years of history, a network of more than 10,000 alumni and more than 2,500 students passing their classes each year, Toulouse Barcelona Business School was created in 1995 by Toulouse Business School and Chamber of Commerce and French industry in Barcelona.
Toulouse Business School brings to the Barcelona campus supported by belonging to one of the best international business schools. Moreover, the partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and French industry of Barcelona provides a direct connection with the set of companies associated to this centuries-old institution. For his part, mundoFranquicia keeps so his bet by the formation of investors, franchisors and franchisees in the knowledge of this successful formula business having also developed the first pageant franchise of low investment, organized with the Chamber of Commerce Industria de Madrid, the Madrid Franchise Forum V for Expofranquicia, the first MBA in management and management of services and franchises, master online organized with Bureau Veritas Business School and completion of III Master’s direction and management franchises, taught to directors and executives of franchise and business entities, in addition to the realization of more than 20 webinars for entrepreneurs, taught by executives of franchise chains. mundoFranquicia Consulting is a company specialized in doing consultancy of the highest quality for all organizations that see a suitable formula for business and growth in the franchise. Through his special attention to the customer and a methodology widely proven in a large number of projects, they work to develop successful companies in its expansive processes in franchise.