Just in time to the DMS EXPO the VOI brings out an updated edition of its popular market overview for document management systems (DMS) Association organisational and information systems e. v. Bonn. The comprehensive reference guide to help get you started in a DMS project because it simplifies searches for products and their comparison and thus reduces the. Comprehensive understanding of functionalities and concepts complement the book. Manufacturer of DMS/ECM systems are invited to participate in the market survey. Participation is free and not bound by membership in the VOI.
Closing date for applications is 31 August the EXPO of of DMS visitors, which will take place from 26 to 28 October 2010 in Stuttgart, Germany, can be 2010 at the booth of the VOI a look in the new edition. The DMS market overview of the VOI among the most established reference works on the market since its first edition, 2006. With the new edition, the DMS providers now have the ability to update their records and to integrate new functions. Manufacturers, the not yet were represented, can now participate. The participation is free of charge. The VOI perform neither an evaluation nor a ranking of systems. We aim with this market overview, as quickly as possible document management systems in the German-speaking market and its function focus to give users a comprehensive overview”, so Bernhard Zoller of Deputy Chairman of VOI.
We hope that users with the VOI DMS market overview project cost saving and decision cycles can be reduced.” The focus is in the area of document management and its typical extensions, which are grouped under the generic term of enterprise content management. How are also in the first edition and at other VOI market overviews, extensive explanations of the functionality and benefits of modern document management systems as book-into-book concept. Until August 31, 2010 by manufacturers who want to participate in the market survey, sending an email stating the company name, the Product name and the contact details of the contact person at. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of the provider to DMS/ECM (enterprise content- and document management systems) in Germany. With the positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry, the VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence.