The Defense council of Patagonia (CDP) reacted before the exit of the general manager of HidroAysn, Hernn Salazar, and the consequent entrance of Daniel Fernandez in the created executive vice-presidency, that the company announced Tuesday 29 of March, indicating that " the change was seen come and shows the failure of the management of the company, nevertheless no cosmetic change, of the flat major of HidroAysn, this case, will turn an evil project and a terrible Study of Environmental impact in good iniciativa". The executive secretary of the CDP, Patricio Rodrigo, added that they are " always abiertos to talk with who assumes like representative of HidroAysn, independent of which we have clarity in our position, that is Patagonia without dams and a first really viable energetics that does not sacrifice unique spaces natural nor the Chilean life and Chileans who are making mother country in the south wind of pas". It emphasized that the designation of Daniel Fernandez, militant PPD, " sample that the powers behind HidroAysn to try to install its project, they are extending its networks to all the political scopes, creating a transversality that they do not have, an artificial reality. Since they have demonstrated the surveys, this project does not love the Chileans to it, beyond that by means of the money they buy supports of everything tipo". The executive secretary of the reunited organism that day in Santiago with his pairs of Aysn and other regions, insisted on which " he is not enough with changing to the executives while they do not modify what they are raising to do in the Patagonia, that is to destroy unique ecosystems for the country, besides generating incalculable cultural and social impacts in a zone of excepcin". He emphasized that " to say that this is related to a project country around the needs energetics and the world-wide crossed one against the global heating is not to have understood anything of that the planet is signaling before the errors that there are cometido". The leader expressed who " this gives account of the bad moment that is living a company that it has committed multiple errors in its work in the Region of Aysn, as the recent failure of the Contralora that questioned by infractions to the administrative probity its contracts subscribed with municipalities that have the responsibility indeed to evaluate their project. That is to say, HidroAysn induced to organs of the administration of the State to transgress the Law under an evil understood concept of social responsibility empresarial". Original author and source of the article.