Three hundred to eight billion dollars in trade. This phrase, and sum, if one explains the meeting between the Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia and the reestablishment of diplomatic relations; in fact the recomposition of the latter was only the apparent excuse for the real reason for the meeting. Juan Manuel Santos as technocrat formed early on in public, in essence has always and with the greatest possible efficiency, manage what has been under his charge or custody. His coming to power was then expected and yearnings by the influential private sector, for which the same was bitterly affected by the disastrous foreign policy of the outgoing administration with Venezuela. Why and when that country’s President recalled that the increase in the amounts of the binational widely in favor of Colombia – trade balance had given precisely during his administration, not only was correct, but that also gave the reason and justification that President Santos needed before public opinion, by the fact of having met only three days after its possession, which until that moment was the main enemy of the Colombian State.
But this has not been only casual. Indeed, Venezuela, immersed in abrupt process of change and renewal of their political and economic systems, has seen their productive sectors private – will have been strongly resented the measures that have been taken in the last ten years. That produced a significant drop in all the Venezuelan production media, that – and by the logic of the market force to that country will search for, buy, and mattered outside what you already could not produce or at least in the levels or previous volumes. The answer to these needs came from its nearest neighbor, Colombia, willingly began to supplement those shortcomings, with what and of course their own productive sector began to favor in a noticeable way. However, for a person with a diplomatic vision escaza, as that of the previous Colombian President, the cost-benefit in the economic aspect ratio cousin not enough at the time of the geopolitical decisions that finally led to the breaking of binational relations. Instead, the new President, coming precisely from those so influential socio-political areas in the center of the country, he realized that the best way to be able to materialize the goals and targets that had drawn in its Government programme, in terms of employment generation was just acting in the sense of recompose what that had been lost and so many benefits had represented him in the past immediately to the Colombian economy.
In good time because!. Matters of national security and public order in the bilateral relations have apparently moved into the background, and surely and forward more private, all with unique and precise to achieve the highest possible internal growth levels will be handled through channels and which at the same time are a foretaste of what another that lies ahead: The realignment geopolitical in Colombia in the South American regional context, product of the new vision that has the new national administration in this regard. The binational meeting therefore was a masterstroke. On the one hand I present Colombia again before the regional and international community as a friend and willing State to correct the mistakes of the past, and on the other hand managed to excellent initiatives to its economy. The story then begins here to give a new twist: we earn on the outside, but also inside. Long live technocracy by now.