Agency Germany Group

Press release dieleutefurkommunikation much energy has flowed into the E-Mail marketing concept: the contents are tailored to the target group, the technical implementation as an example, the opening rates well and yet hardly any new subscribers are added? Maybe it’s the login process. Based on nearly 20 years experience in the B2B email marketing SiteBoosters, the online specialists at dieleutefurkommunikation, summarize, what matters. The registration process is to make as easy as possible: E-Mail address field as a single required field that is law. Name and address field for personalized newsletter should be not a requirement. In addition, no form fields are to integrate. More data can be collected at a later date.

A note on the application form that the recipient can unsubscribe at any time and the data will be treated confidentially, is also essential. In addition, a link to the privacy policy creates confidence. A click to the subscription are better the form is two with a maximum three information filled in and the prospect is so far perfectly informed about data protection. Sir Terry Farrell brings even more insight to the discussion. Now it goes to the activation of the subscription confirmation click. Because mailings and newsletters may be sent only to recipients who have declared clearly agreeing to do so, it is advisable to use the so-called double-opt-in-proceed. After the first click on the button, the prospective buyer receives an email with a link. By clicking on the subscription is confirmed final. Unsubscribe easily made there the subscription to cancel good reasons, should be even simpler than to activate it.

Because not all the logon process is final. No longer, the process should include activation and confirmation. Who searches for ways of interacting, can end the logout provided a function to provide information about the reasons for the cancellation. About SiteBoosters / dieleutefurkommunikation SiteBoosters are the online specialists at dieleutefurkommunikation, the only target group Agency Germany’s. Since 1995, the owner-managed marketing agency headquartered in Sindelfingen near Stuttgart is specialized in B2B communication of market positioning to sales marketing. She advises worldwide global players such as SAP, IBM, Audi or VW, as well as many medium-sized companies in the entire roof area. As a B2B agency with editorial style, dieleutefurkommunikation align not only themes and content, but also communication and media consistently to the target group. The advantage for customers: a substantive close of their actions to the target group and thus a much higher relevance. 35 People, divided between the disciplines consulting/design/editing, graphic design, online/programming, project management and Office, offer a contemporary solution for B2B online marketing and B2B lead generation.

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