Drop in Unemployment

The fall in unemployment is less pronounced than a year ago. In the last four months it has fallen in 250,000 people. There are currently 4.079.742 unemployed. The number of unemployed registered at the offices of the services public employment (Inem old) stood, at the end of July, in 4.079.742 of people descending on 42.059 unemployed (- 1.02%), said Tuesday the Ministry of labour and immigration. The fall in unemployment in the month of July, benefited by the tourist season, is less pronounced than that recorded a year ago, when unemployment fell that month at 73,790 people. Despite this, it is the fourth consecutive decline after June, month in which unemployment was reduced by 67.858 people, and the second largest in a month of July since 1999.

The Secretary of State for employment, Mari Luz Rodriguez, stressed that there are already four months in a row in which low unemployment, which has resulted in a reduction of the unemployment of more than 250,000 people. It’s a good news stimulates us to continue working and serving the people unemployed so that they can find a job, highlighted. Low in 12 communities unemployment fell in twelve autonomous regions, such as Galicia (10.557), Comunidad Valenciana (9.622) and Catalonia (5.525). On the other hand, rose in five autonomies, primarily in the Canary Islands (1.666), Aragon (601) and Madrid (446). Most members in the Social Security affiliation to Social Security increased by 50.773 people in July and counted 17.2 million occupied (1.2% less than a year ago) with what returned to positive rates after the interruption of the month of June. According to the Ministry of labour and immigration, the largest increase occurs in health activities and social services and catering, c on 55.566 and 37.865 more affiliated media, respectively, while in education it descends in 61.846 people. The General regime, in which are traded most of the workers, posted an increase of 82.534 people, representing an average of 13.369.446 affiliates. The affiliation He wore growing since March until in June fell in 5.617 people, especially by the fall in the agricultural sector because of the crisis of the cucumber, and now returns to grow the news source: unemployment fell in July in 42.059 people, fourth consecutive month of decline in 2011

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