
The Dollar is under pressure since the investors today woke up the appetite to the risk in this new year that begins, by the released solid economic data of EE.UU. Additional information at virtus kar supports this article. The Commodities is the great winners after the data of the manufacturing PMI of China, that raised 56.1, being this one the highest level from April of year 2004. This growth so hard in the manufacture sector of China, will impel the demand of raw materials (Commodities). The speculations of petroleum are optimistic, the same at the moment deals over the level of 81 dollars the barrel. The price of gold also rises until a maximum of 1124.6 until now.

The published data originating of EE.UU., manufacturing index ISM, raised more of the awaited thing 55.9 in the month of December. The pound sterling rose against the dollar after the manufacturing PMI of the United Kingdom, that increased to 54.1, being this highest level in 25 months. The approvals of mortgages also surpassed the expectations to raise a 60.5K. Nevertheless, the markets stay cautious by the perspective of the debt of the United Kingdom and by the decisions on the types of interest that will take the Bank from England this week. The pound is a little behind other currencies and in fact it has been debilitated in front of basic products and to the Euro. The Euro is much debilitating against the Canadian dollar and the Australian dollar. For example, pair EUR/AUD fell abruptly towards a minimum of 1.5747 today.

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