Planning Market

The success is result of a planning, a written, detailed, concrete and possible document of being visualized, being idealized and being glimpsed. Search to get feedback. It is the form of the accountant to get answers on its behavior and to use such information for its improvement, is one inhabits essential to be able to learn with the errors and to deal with the unexpected one. Feedback received will indicate if what you this making are efficient, it is part basic of the process that guides the people to present appropriate behavior and performance to one determined situation, making with that they know as they are being seen in the market or the environment of work. The lack of feedback can leave the professional without knowing which direction to follow. It Can be considered as being a compassing, that of a direction that must be taken, to reach the objective and satisfaction of the customer. The form for which feedback is given and received contributes for the learning process.

Visionary. He is to have you vary alternative to be successful, is to create new ways, new horizontes, to cultivate the imagination and enxerga what the others do not obtain to visualize. The accountant has that to be capable to unite the vision to the ability, foresees trend and to anticipate the changes, mainly the financial crises that affect the businesses. In the current days, with extreme competition, one becomes of basic importance to know and to understand the necessities of the customers and being, beyond an entrepreneur, one visionary leader, leader this, focado in the future, possessor of a vision micron and macro of the business and the market, capable to discern and to foresee if foreseeing to the future. A visionary professional highly is compromised, has intense strategical vision, what she constitutes a competitive advantage and she contributes so that this professional is differentiated and takes off in the market for a longer period of time.

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