Agency Farewell

The claims of advertisers have changed. Small and medium-sized Werbegenturen take advantage of new opportunities. The so-called cold calls is named not for free: although it is debatable whether it is called so because the acquisition driving just so that caught his potential victims, or who brought with them such tempered feelings his intrusive compared to on this way without asking werberisch received on. Safe: the marketing of a product or service is always especially difficult, if you must set no acute need for its addressees. Of cold acquisition to active search it previously called for an advertising agency, in particular medium-sized, often: Jack clean ideas present (of course free), take part in pitches and many cancellations and with luck win some contracts.

But just in the last few months seem to have completed changes, providing a dedicated coming together of advertising agency and customers here. The demands on agencies by the customers grow and increasingly rare is just wait that knocks the right advertising agency. Advertising agency – service mentality and specialization the recent economic crisis has had radical effects on the advertising market. Due to the crisis harder competition manifests itself in declining prices and a declining overall price acceptance on the part of the customer. Not rarely the cheapest advertising agency wins the pitch at the end. Creativity is the crucial criterion of distinction only for a handful of agencies. In particular for medium-sized companies, the proportionality and cost-effectiveness are in dealing with their advertising budget. The thematic specialization of the Agency on technical or medical issues, ensures a basic understanding that simplifies the communication for the customer: one speaks the same language; the customer is understood by the advertising agency and feels as a result, well looked after. The advantage of a small advertising agency both criteria, specialization and Service mentality, are rather smaller and medium-sized agencies affordable, where fixed personal contact closely with the customers serviced by them together and be specifically incorporated in the matter.

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