Correctly Apply

Successfully on the job fair, a job fair may be the perfect chance to a new place of work. However, many dangers on the way to the dream company. The Internet portal reported, which foot to avoid applicants with good preparation and what it is in the presentation of the self. In the professional news is always of job and career fairs, recruitment events and other professional events to read. But what advantages actually provide such measurement and how they are interested best, when they face the level of employer of choice? First, an intensive preparation for the event is necessary. It is worth to make a preselection about the booths to visit. Also, it is advisable to go through the possible expiration of the talks, especially in regard to their own skills and core competencies. Create a short application with cover letter, CV and photo, or a creative business card is also recommended.

Often the first impression decides on the spot. Therefore, a well-groomed appearance is of course. Also includes schedule too many calls per day. The danger is great to bring an unpleasant mouth – or smell of sweat due to the hustle and bustle of more than five dates. Who has little experience in terms of contacts, self presentation and interviewing, should practice first at the less popular company”.

This helps to avoid nervousness and more confident occur when the employer of choice. Is recommended as an introduction, to introduce and explain what interest there is. Concrete demands and the repetition of the name of the person also make a good impression. After the fair, it is promptly the company remembered to call. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann

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