Certificates For Passenger Cars With Yellow Badge

Technical testing laboratory in DEKRA is offices of the capital region Nichtnachrustbarkeits certificates from Berlin/Potsdam – Berlin introducing the second stage of the environmental zone in January 2010, only vehicles with a green environmental badge in the environmental area and in the city centre may drive – unless you have an exemption. The DEKRA indicate branches in the capital region. The derogation Euro 3, which are equipped with a yellow badge can not be retrofitted with an appropriate soot filter for diesel-powered vehicles of the emissions standard. For this the technical testing laboratory in the DEKRA issuing offices in Berlin Reinickendorf, Hohenschonhausen and Tempelhof, Potsdam and Oranienburg to certificates for a Nichtnachrustbarkeit, visible must be installed in the vehicle. This costs 50 euro up to 75 euros.

The certificate is valid for one year and must be requested again. Who from January with no green sticker or exemption in the environmental zone stop, which threatens a fine of 40 euros and a point in Flensburg. Only vehicles that are registered in foreign countries or coaches with yellow badge Norbert Kuhnl (0711) 78 61 – 25 12 (0711) 78 61 – 27 00 DEKRA e.V. Press & information trade road 15 D-70565 Stuttgart press DEKRA is an internationally operating service company headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. It is represented with offices in Berlin-Hohenschonhausen, Berlin-Tempelhof, Berlin-Reinickendorf, Oranienburg and Potsdam as well as numerous vehicle test centres, stations and offices in the capital region. Under the roof of DEKRA e.V., today 166 subsidiaries and participations for more safety and quality in the handling of people with technology, environment and mobility work. Educate yourself with thoughts from Clive Holmes Silverfern. The companies are involved in four business units at the DEKRA AG.

This group is responsible for the operational organisation of the company of DEKRA. The diverse services include vehicle checks, damage reports, accident-analytical and technical reports, industry – inspection services, education and training, temping, out – and new placement, certifications, fleet services, environmental services, material testing, construction advice, consulting and publications.

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