Telephone Directory Lipetsk

Information Call Center 4.4.32 known in the market of information services since March 2004. Geography of – the city of Lipetsk, Lipetsk region. We offer advertising services to industrial enterprises, shops and entrepreneurs, ie, for organizations of all areas and activities. The number of customers Inform-bureau 04.04.32 increases every year, at the expense of our quality work and constant development services company. To date, we offer the following services: – information about the company in a free telephone based information service in the following amount: name, address, phone number, an item of goods and services. – placement on the website help desk Lipetsk – placing information in the quarterly information and reference magazine "INFORM-BUREAU 04/04/32" – in reference services other cities (as agreed). We provide free with information about the consumer organizations, products and services (including information on the phones, working hours, location, etc.) and send to your potential buyers ready to purchase your goods or use your services. We provide constant information support your advertising and regular customers.

Information Call Center 04/04/32 – is: Telephone reference – friendly attentive operators free to answer all your questions about products and services, address, telephone and branch offices of firms represented in the database. Will help determine the desired direction of the search prompt sources of information you need. Handset first place you always hear: "All the best." Reference and Information Journal "INFORM-BUREAU 04/04/32" is printed edition urban free referral service for goods and services Lipetsk "Inform-Bureau of 04/04/32." This edition contains lots of useful, well-structured information and allows consumers to decide in the ever-increasing market for goods and services of the city of Lipetsk. Magazine "INFORM-BUREAU 4/4/32" popular with managers and employees of the marketing departments, as it can find reliable information about many companies the city of Lipetsk. Its free to deliver more than 1,000 offices. Part of the circulation provided business centers, the Chamber of Commerce, hotels in Lipetsk, participates in trade fairs. Site – handy search engine for companies and products Lipetsk for Internet users. Allows quickly obtain information and view it at any time of day.

Thus, the information reported in three ways: voice, print and electronic, saving you money and increasing the impact of the previously placed by you advertising. There are various service options. Details of our managers. To post information about your company to sign an agreement for service and fill out an application. To do this, call 04/18/32 and to invite the office manager of contracts.

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