
But after giving you the preliminary sketches, layouts, be sure to ask you to show how the design looks in different browsers such as Opera, FireFox, etc. Then look at the size of the resulting single page, it is desirable that it was from 50 to 300 Kb, especially with regard to the first page. Always keep in mind that the main site – this is its content and ease of search relevant information. Never plagiarize, do not duplicate information – this stuff on the Internet completely. Information on your site will be more valuable due to their uniqueness.

Another piece of advice. You can write a history of practice from personal experience with customers. Remember, what matters the most frequently asked your customers? You can respond to them, always think of when dealing with a potential client that he cares what points he incomprehensible. Placing them on the site in any form, for example, in question-answer, you are helping yourself and future customers to obtain useful and relevant information. We must not forget that the maintenance of the site – an ongoing process, so it's important to regularly update appropriate sections. I would like to submit another useful idea for possible implementation.

If you encounter a problem in the company, in business, which safely and successfully permission, write about it on the site, at least in the area for their own employees. You will not once will help you remember what you did in such cases and will help your new staff to cope with this kind of problem. Believe me, it will be a storehouse of knowledge that is particularly valuable to your company, and I think are useful not only for you. Zone restricted to the site is not always necessary, but can be very, very helpful. The site should work the company, helping it manage and optimize business processes. This is especially useful if you have remote offices. For example, e-mail does not provide the power which lies in correctly designed by the website. But of this we must write a separate article. All this should make you cool no company can do it for you, at best, it will give you the questions or instructions on how and what you need them to provide for development of the site. Only you can know until the end, what results you want from the site you created, do not give it to the discretion of the company to create sites Petersburg, they have all the standard and unified, and you should be original to get noticed. And remember, most importantly, the site is just beginning to live from the moment of creation, of its future updates and content will depend on his fate. Think about this when creating the site, not to produce something for what you then will not watch.

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